In my opinion,
The yellow dogs are gonna vote for a yella dog even if that yella dog bites them in the checkbook and money market accounts.
They always return to the vomit to scarf more of it up.
THAT is never gonna change and has been with us a long, long time.
I refer to them as the incurably stoooopid...
The lack of actually correct American civics and the lack of edumacation of how this government came to be and why we really fought a war against a far superior army and won is a major reason why the majority of people are just stupid understanding that WHAT and WHO they vote for MATTERS.
It is my opinion Jefferson had it right when he thought it best that only people with skin in the game (land and property owners)be allowed to vote on tax issues was particularly true but he relented.
I do not know if people who vote for yella dogs are just dumb or can't do basic mathematics and see the financial deficits and holes they are falling deeper into whenever dimwitcraps are in charge..
The incurable stoopid are the ones who have no idea what they are voting for or its impacts on their lives and everyone else's that knew better.
I think different people see different aspects of a so called debate where it is three against one. Astute people will still see different aspects of it more heavily than others who will see some other aspect that sticks in their crawl.
I don't watch them because to me they are meaningless.
I already know long before a debate what the contenders really stand for by their prior records and actions.
Those words and actions of the candidates well prior to a debate should be the things that tell one who they really are and what they stand for.. I see no point in a debate.
I cannot fathom how someone claims to be undecided between such a stark contrast between candidates.
A person who KNOWS and has proven over decades he knows how to balance budgets and be profitable versus a lamebrain who is only good at one thing, and it involves a bedroom..
So, y'all will have to please forgive me if I show indifference to the two candidates for office.
I know what is on the line nationally. I also what is on the line internationally and better still, I am well aware of what a more important event that is soon to happen is all about and will be a most welcomed event as far as I am concerned.
For those reasons I believe I will just maintain focus on the times we are in and the unfolding of supernatural events that are very near to being fulfilled.
This crap in the middle east isn't happenstance. Iran is not rising up accidentally.
Israel is going to be under attack on a lot of fronts in the very near future. The rapture will have taken place and a lot of us will not be here to observe events unfold, but you can definitely see the beginning of the end times right now.
This life here is only a short period.
We were created and given a part of GOD, which is an eternal Spirit. We are eternal beings by HIS choosing and when we die we have a DEATH Angel who takes us to our destination. They are in the room with ya when you are on your deathbed.. My mother in law was looking right at hers and we all knew she saw something. Two breaths later she was gone off into eternity and that angel carried her Spirit to Heaven to see Jesus.
It was amazing to watch but there was no doubt she was looking at something in that room with spiritual eyes that had been opened on her deathbed. We could not see with our natural eyes but we knew she was looking at something..
Anyway, no matter what happens in this or any other election, GOD'S plan is still on and we will not be here much longer anyway.
Apologies for the length. This is where my mind is at and hence I am not fretting over an election..
Good night and God bless!