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It is not …glorious, monkrybrain…..edited clip of garbage. 

By: zzstar in FFT4 | Recommend this post (3)
Sun, 15 Sep 24 10:20 PM | 23 view(s)
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Msg. 13196 of 15098
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Try again. This JD bitch is bobbing and weaving around like an eel. He and Trump OWN THIS. ALL OF IT. Half or less of clip to make you feel smart, STUPID!

Temporary protection status to Haitians was also a part of Trump’s dictates in 2017. Nothing new here, except much ado about nothing.

But, you creepy assholes stay in the dark with all these conspiracy sites making money off your inbred brains. You are …..inbreds, white trash inbreds with pea brains. Nothing else explains it.

No one’s eating dogs and cats in America. People have eaten such animals in Europe during Nazi occupation being starved to death. But what do you jerks know about it? You never lived it. My family did.

FU and your shitty white trash heritage.

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