Use to be a lot of farming here. Small truck farms. Railroad came through from up north to Cape Charles. They’d put the cars on barges and barged them across the Chesapeake to Norfolk. Railroad got shut down in the 60s. Vegetables from the small truck farms use to be shipped up to Baltimore by rail. Now the small farms are gone.
Now it’s all corporate chicken sheds and processing plants. Tyson and Perdue have big plants here. All staffed by immigrants from Haiti. Cheap labor. Del Monte has thousands of acres of tomatoes and a processing plant. All mechanical farmed. Not much labor needed.
Lots of watermen crabbing. The individual crabbers are over regulated so it impossible for them to expand. A large aqua-farm for oysters and clams is here. Watermen have gone to work there.
Basically not enough jobs to be had here. More unskilled people than jobs. Young people left after high school. Everyone else without jobs lives off of the taxpayers. Government Cheese®️
And like everywhere else in the country. Illegals get hired because they’ll work for less taking away jobs from Americans. And of course they can afford to work for less because they live three families to a house and all of them still collect welfare cause of their low pay.