Astute observation Sir De!
While I Am confident mine was just one of many sent heavenward to the Throne it does remind us that GOD hears us whether we think HE does or not. He does not always answer but to those who are called by HIS Name (Christians), HE hears our words and our thoughts even before we say them or think them.
Remember that HE transcends time. He can be in the past, present, or Future all at the same time..
That is why HE alone is GOD.
He knows what we are thinking so watch your thoughts also. lol!!!!! (I said that for MY benefit)
We got a thorough soaking yesterday and throughout the night.. We needed it so HE sent the rain..
Our lawns were all burning up and grass dying. Things have greened up substantially over night...
Unfortunately I have a gazillion leaves all over the yeards.