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Opinion: Harris needs to take off the gloves

By: Beldin in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 29 Sep 24 5:40 PM | 11 view(s)
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This Democrat buffoon is just downright hilariously delusional.

No, James ... Cackles doesn't need to take off her gloves ... 'cuz she doesn't have any bare-knuckled arguments to fight with, in any event ... she needs to take off her deceitful, "I'm a moderate, trust me" mask and let everyone who isn't a mindless, ass-kissing groveler, such as yourself, to make up their minds on plainspoken, honest positions on the issues. 


By James D. Zirin
The Hill
September 28, 2024

Woof ... fair warning, James is truly a loon, but I will do my best to add rectifying commentary where necessary ... which is just about EVERYWHERE in this spittle-swamped screed. 

I can’t bear to say this, but Kamala Harris could lose if Donald Trump succeeds in bringing new likely voters into the electorate.

OH MY ... James can't bear the thought of one candidate possessing and articulating more convincing arguments on the issues of the day and winning over the electorate's choice ... well ... if that person is not an autocratic Democrat, that is. OH, the horror of it all! 

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Uh, James, you simp ... since you're too willfully stupid to figure it out ... THAT is truly democracy in action. 

The polls tell us she is up almost 3 percent nationally, and is likely to win the popular vote. But her thin lead over Trump in six of the seven battleground states is within the margin of error.

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She might widen her lead if there is an “October surprise.” Special Counsel Jack Smith’s “oversized” 180-page brief, now under seal in Washington, may reveal new levels of Jan. 6 Trump criminality if unveiled before the election. And there could be a deal in the Middle East, as Netanyahu has pledged to hold talks on a U.S.-proposed cease-fire in Lebanon that could ease fears of a regional war.

Ah, yes ... Cackles might widen her lead IF there is a Democrat-manufactured "October surprise" of unscrupulous innuendo and banana republic lawfare. And as for your brokered "peace in the Middle East" pipedream, no one can successfully negotiate with terrorists because they want only one, completely unacceptable thing - murderous genocide. Before the return of Jesus Christ, there is only one possibility for some semblance of peace in the Middle East - proactively facilitate the opportunity for Israel to kill the vast majority of Islamic terrorists and for Israel and us to defang the mullahs of Iran. The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist. 

Trump has historically outperformed the polls, as many Trump voters are understandably ashamed to say they support him, and they are tabulated as uncommitted. But, alarmingly, the averages say Harris has come up short in states Biden won in 2020 — in Georgia, where she and Trump are essentially tied, and Arizona, where Trump has the edge.

Heh heh heh heh heh ... dream on, you infantile twit. Donald Trump is historically undercounted in the polls for two primary reasons: (1) Trump supporters don't trust pollsters and don't see the point in participating, because (2) polls are so obviously skewed in a deceptive manner by overcounting Democrats. Trump supporters like to participate in the only poll that actually counts - the vote, itself. 

In Pennsylvania, which is a must-win for Harris, a Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll gives her a 5-point lead, although other polls show a closer race.

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Wishful thinking, there, sports fan ... the latest polls are showing Trump leads in Pennsylvania by close to 3 points. 

Harris is good at the subjects she is good at: abortion and Trump’s bad character. She recently stood beside Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and gave a dynamite speech defending our policy in Ukraine. Character is the only predictor we have of a president’s conduct in office. Trump’s character, viewed against her self-evident charisma and energy, has electrified her Democratic base. This excitement has given her a commanding 31-point lead with young voters. She clearly needs to carry that passion into other issues.

Sorry, I obviously misspoke ... you are not a sports fan ... you're just a fan boy. 

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BWHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! By your own admission, Cackles is only good at two subjects: (1) abortion, and (2) Trump's supposedly "bad" character - a "bad" character that has largely been fraudulently manufactured by you Democrats. So, Cackles is "charismatic," "energetic," "electrifying," and gives "dynamic speeches," eh? BWHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! She can barely string two words together coherently. She is the literal definition of a stiff automaton spewing nonsensical word salads, which is exactly why her handlers refuse to allow her to sit for legitimate, challenging, one-on-one interviews where she has to answer unscripted questions off-the-cuff. Cackles being "good" at the subjects of abortion and Trump "being bad" simply makes her woefully unqualified to be President of the United States. Heck, that doesn't even make her qualified to be the town dog catcher, either. Wow ... you truly are an unaware soy boy. 

The electorate by now should be tired of Trump’s kitschy speeches, his lowbrow allusions and his fusillade of lies. But voters want to hear from Harris how she is going to change their lives for the better over the next four years. She needs to be on a mission beyond “I am not Trump.”

Cackles can't afford to tell the people who she truly is, you pathetic lickspittle ... the more she reveals about herself, the more people despise her ... and her handlers are painfully aware of that fact. That's what forced her to abandon her POTUS campaign back in the 2020 Democrat primary - BEFORE the Democrat primary vote in her own home state of California! ROTFLMAO! 

Like the good prosecutor that she is, Harris must come out swinging sternly with the facts. She should remind the voters that Trump’s war on immigrants, particularly Black and Hispanic immigrants, is antithetical to the core values of our country.

Hate to break it to ya, James ... what is being revealed is that Cackles didn't actually prosecute anything or anyone to speak of during her misspent time as California's attorney general. 

We need immigrants to flourish. We need their talents, their energy and their skills. Their admittance to the country enhances national security and American exceptionalism.

Yes, James ... lawful, limited immigration of productive people who desire to honestly adopt and assimilate into our culture of responsible freedom IS good for our country. But, what you Democrats offer is nothing short of lawless, unruly invasion of low-grade and criminal foreigners who seek to displace American citizens who are already here. 

There is no proof that we have admitted an abnormal number of rapists and murderers. Trump lies to the American people when he tells us that crime is down in Venezuela and Haiti because we admitted so many of their emigrants, that immigrants are rapists and murderers who steal and eat pets.

BWHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! You, sir, are a willful moron. Everyone KNOWS Trump is correct about this and it is becoming more painfully obvious with each passing day. But, by all means, keep on lying to yourself. BWHA HA HA HA HA HA!!! 

Research indicates that immigrants commit fewer crimes than U.S.-born people. We are a nation of immigrants, as Franklin Roosevelt reminded the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1938.

Ah, yes ... "research." BWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! 

Trump’s inhumane immigration policies include family separation and his promise that, if elected, he will use the military to round up immigrants and expel them from the country.

No, Trump's immigration policies are in line with the immigration laws that have been on the books for decades and decades. Your immigration policies are to disregard our immigration laws and facilitate a foreign invasion to build up the rolls of Democrat voters so you can continue to lie and still hold onto political power. 

Trump’s demagogic claim that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” is a big lie. True, illegal border crossings soared to record levels under Biden, averaging 2 million per year from 2021 to 2023. The rise is attributable to a variety of factors, including asylum policy changes, economic conditions and the COVID pandemic. However, after the administration tightened border controls and closed off migrants’ access to the asylum system, crossings dropped sharply.

Ooops, James ... THAT is simply a bold-faced lie. The Biden/Harris administration has not tightened border crossings at all ... they simply continue to fly Venezuelan gang members over the border and not count them. 

Trump has played politics with the issue, rallying Republicans in Congress to block a bipartisan Senate bill that would have instituted far-reaching border reforms. Biden has proceeded by executive action, and recent months have left the border quieter than at any point since he took office.

ROTFLMAO! That supposed "border bill" was neither bipartisan nor any effort to stem the tide of invasion at our borders, you simpleton. Lankford naively tried to negotiate with Democrats, but the final product just euphemistically gave the Biden/Harris administration a green light to possibly (if they chose to actually do so) do something IF the continuing foreign invasion exceeded an average of 4,000 per day for more than 7 days. Good grief. Biden & Harris might do something after they gleefully allow 1.5 million foreign invaders across the border per year - and that doesn't count the 100s of thousands they fly over the border that don't get counted! It's no wonder a bipartisan majority in the U.S. Senate voted AGAINST this joke of a bill. 

As for the economy, Harris outlined a pragmatic approach in a speech to the Economic Club in Pittsburgh this week, with a sharp focus on middle-class and manufacturing opportunities by lowering costs, investing in American innovation and leading the world in future industries. “I’m a capitalist,” she said. She made her case, and it landed.

Cackles' proposal was Soviet-era price controls. Even many voices within the Democrat Party and the lamestream media called her out on this absolute stupidity. Heh heh heh heh heh ... everyone with at least half-a-brain realizes that Cackles is no Capitalist - she's a Fascist, at best, and a Communist, at worst. No amount of wishful thinking on your part is going to change that. 

She and Biden have accomplished much on the economy, a central concern for voters. Inflation is down to 2.5 percent, the lowest since Biden took office. The unemployment rate is just above 4 percent. A low unemployment rate indicates a strong economy, where most people who want to work can find jobs. Interest rates are down. The stock market is at record highs. The recovery from the pandemic-induced recession is notable, with improving job metrics and economic growth.

Yep, Biden and Harris have accomplished much on the U.S. economic front ... while the increasing rate of inflation is moderating a little, it is still going up and prices have SOARED way above where they were when Trump left office. Real wages are DOWN. The federal debt has exploded by government spending to prop up the economy with payments largely to Democrat cronies that have increased employment primarily in the government sector. The economy is not healthy and everyone knows it. Yes, the stock market has taken off, but that is NOT the U.S. economy - and a lot of that increase has to do with AI and the market's hope that Donald Trump will win the upcoming election. 

Trump has resorted to gimmickry smacking of “a chicken in every pot.” He won’t tax tips. He panders to seniors, saying he won’t tax Social Security payments. She has remained silent.

According to the Washington Post, although Harris has improved on Biden’s 2020 margins among some demographics, she is not yet replicating the coalition that won the White House. Her margin with Black voters is 53 points according to the latest polls. But Biden’s margin among Black voters in 2020 was 81 points. With six weeks to go, Harris will be hard pressed to match Clinton’s 86-point lead in 2016, let alone Obama’s 93-point margin in 2012.

And, listening to Harris — with the notable exceptions of her spectacular convention speech and stunning debate performance, when she took off the gloves — is often lulling, like listening to elevator music. She needs to make clear her vision for the country and talk common sense to the American people.

Ah, James ... you finally had a moment of clarity ... yes, your heroine, Cackles, is a vacuous bag of hot air. That's all you're going to get out of her. 

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The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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