Hyup - arrest, sheriff claims he has no control over charges, that it is the DA. Since when does a DA ignore the recommendations of a sheriff ?
About the guy that was lawfully 'terminated' ...
In her post, she said the family had a no-contact order in place for Fosler due to stalking.
Man killed was arrested earlier this year
The man who was shot, Fosler, had been arrested by another agency in July and booked for internet stalking of a child and sexual assault, Sheriff Staley told USA TODAY Friday afternoon.
"This guy that preyed upon their daughter was released on bond, and we had stopped him that night and got him with her," he said. "That bond would have been revoked. He would have never got out of jail. None of the bond companies would have let him out. We wouldn't let him out."
Sounds more like the DA and sheriff should have been the ones arrested - for aiding and abetting.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...