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Pew Research survey finds Democrats love abortion and big government; disdain Republicans

By: De_Composed in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 19 Oct 24 7:44 PM | 11 view(s)
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October 19, 2024

Pew Research survey finds Democrats love abortion and big government; disdain Republicans

by Eric Utter

Pew Research recently conducted a survey of both Democrats and Republicans in order to learn more about both ahead of next month’s election.

Here is some of what they found, with my emphasis on the donkey party.

Pew discovered that the share of Democrat voters with at least a four-year college degree has doubled just since the 1990s. In 1996, 22% had obtained a bachelor’s degree, today 45% have done so.

The percentage of Democrats surveyed who say they’d prefer an even bigger government that provides ever more services was 59% just nine years ago in 2015. Today? 74%.

Even more significant, while just a few decades ago the overwhelming majority of Democrat voters identified as Christian, today fully 46% do not.

In just the past decade, according to Pew Research, the number of Democrats who say abortion should be legal in all -- or nearly all -- cases has risen by 20%, from 65% in 2014 to 85% today. Moreover, 73% of Democrats say abortion by medication should be legal in their state … and preferably everywhere.

Lastly, it isn't just Christians, limited government, and babies for which Democrats have antipathy, but also their Republican counterparts. Three decades ago, only 17% of Dems surveyed had a ‘very unfavorable’ view of their opposing political party. Today, 55% of them do. And, of course, the vast majority -- 92% -- hate Donald Trump, and by extension, his (MAGA) supporters. Meaning they disdain somewhere between a third and a half of their countrymen.

All of these findings are tied together.

It is no coincidence that more and more of those indoctrinated at state-funded public universities detest those who dare to disagree with them. It is no coincidence that these mind-numbed Kool-Aid drinkers also support abortion until birth. (Or just a wee bit after. Right, Tampon Tim?) And it is certainly no coincidence that they eschew Christianity in favor of an all knowing, all-intrusive, preposterously gigantic nation-state.

When the majority of people in a society -- especially one founded on limited government of, by, and for the people and the idea of inherent rights to life, liberty, and happiness granted by our Creator — decide that there is an inherent right to (taxpayer-funded) abortion, you know a Rubicon has been crossed. Whether characterized as genocide or infanticide, there can be no avoiding comparisons to the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, or Pol-Pot’s Khmer Rouge. This is, at minimum, not a good look for an ostensibly free democratic republic. It is not open-minded, enlightened, or tolerant. It is not simply “women’s health care.” What other aspect of “health care” necessarily, specifically, and deliberately involves the killing of another?

The ongoing destruction of the Judeo-Christian work ethic and values is intentional. As is the attack on the traditional family. The same goes for the assault on our Founders, the idea of two equal, complementary but markedly different sexes, and capitalism.

Ironically, it is all part of the Left’s New Religion, a religion that marginalizes and/or excludes Jesus Christ and the idea of an all-knowing and benevolent God, in favor of an all-knowing and benevolent state, with child sacrifice as one of its sacraments.

The Incans, Mayans, Aztecs, Canaanites, and Phoenicians, among other ancient societies, practiced child sacrifice. Not many have since. Seems more regressive than progressive, doesn’t it?

Worshipping oneself -- or a government comprised of humans -- is absurd, sacrilegious, and, ultimately, self-defeating. But it is foundational to today’s Democrat party.


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