I has a auto glass company headed my way from the great state of Kaintucky to replace the windshield on my former Sedan which was hijacked by miz micro.
Windshield replacement. It has a huge rock chip plus a whole lot of grit scratches so when the sun shines on it ya can't see.
The great news is it costs us nothing. Mebbe miz micro can be happy again after stealing my car.. There was a reason I bought the Sport Sedan. Her sisters are the ones who talked her into getting a compact SUV so she could sit higher.
Now that she has one she does not use it. What a waste of money...
SO, when its time I am gonna sell this thing and get me another Sedan of MY choice in a more luxury version like a Genesis or Lexus. I can now spend money I things I want and have done without..
So, wish you all a great day.