From Trump to the Kahmunist - several reports across Texas -
Enough reports to take it seriously
IN TEXAS, cell phones are required to be switched OFF when voting, but what the hell - the can be easily turned back on, and they CAN be programmed to do some pretty damnable damage to anything that receives wi-fi signals.
I've got a REAL nasty feeling that this is happening, in a WIDESPREAD STEAL going on right now.
Remember the days when we were 'assured' that voting machines were NOT connected to internet. The las election PROVED THAT WAS A LIE BY THE WHITE HOUSE (ØFeuhrer/Brandon) THAT REPEATED AD NAUSEUM.
Not just the huge 'counting machine' but the individual ballot machines. How many of them can have their programming codes changed over a wi-fi signal ?
BET YOU this is precisely what is happening. Not all of them, too obvious - just a smattering of them - and not all the votes on a ballot, just the top slot or two.
MAKE DAMN SURE TO CHECK THE PAPER PRINTOUT, and that it REFLECTS your 'electonic' choices.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...