You left out: morals, no sense of right and wrong, no conscience, and no principles or goodness.
No one can be polar opposite of GOD's Principles and Commands, not suggestions, clearly laid out in the world's best selling and most published book of all time, The Bible.
I have often wondered how people who support in their very souls Democrat principles and beliefs can align themselves with the commands and teachings of the Scriptures and then believe they will going to spend eternity with HIM who belies and commands just the exact opposite.
Ergo, I wonder how one can believe in Democrat policies and support them and really be a Child of GOD when you go against HIM with the very things HE said NOT TO DO?
It's a conundrum..
From my lifetime of Biblical studies and teaching and preaching I have yet to be able to resolve that issue and fear for people who gladly and freely of their own mind grasp and adhere to these hellish things.
"For ALL will stand before the JUDGMENT SEAT of Christ"
The Books of every thought and words and deeds you spoke or thought or did are recorded. THAT is what it means "and the Books were opened". Every individual has a book of records about their lives one arth..
If more people realized that perhaps the way they conduct themselves and think and talk might change.. Because they are going to have those sceness shown to them again in front of a large host of witnesses and they will be ashamed.
SO, I do not understand neither can grasp why ANYONE would believe, suppoprt, embrace Democrat ideals and policies...
They are a one way ticket to hell.. According to THE BIBLE.. Iffen this offends foks, take it up with God.
He said it and recorded it and preserved it..