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Heh heh heh ... you knew this was gonna be a doozy! 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Tue, 03 Dec 24 1:10 AM | 15 view(s)
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Msg. 01110 of 02401
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KJP Broke Her Own Dishonesty & Dodging Record After Being Asked About Biden's Hunter Pardon Lie


Yesterday the White House put out a statement on the pardon of President Biden's son, Hunter, who can now not be held responsible for anything that's happened in the last ten years:

For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024, including but not limited to all offenses charged or prosecuted (including any that have resulted in convictions) by Special Counsel David C. Weiss in Docket No. 1:23-cr-00061-MN in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and Docket No. 2:23-CR-00599-MCS-1 in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto signed my name and caused the Pardon to be recorded with the Department of Justice.

Biden and others in the White House had previously insisted that the president would not be pardoning his son (claims which were only believed by the most gullible in the lefty media).

Knowing they'd be getting a lot of questions about this, the announcement about a sweeping pardon for Hunter came just hours before Joe Biden took off for Africa:

President Biden (@POTUS) ~ I'm on my way to Angola to meet with President Lourenço and underscore the enduring importance of the U.S.-Angola relationship.

While there, we will address a range of global challenges and I will reaffirm my commitment to deepening the United States' partnerships in Africa.
Uploaded Image

Look at the coward run ... and KJP desperately trying to keep up with him! 

Uploaded Image

After all this time that we've been hearing Biden, KJP, and the Democrats slamming Donald Trump for daring to say that the Department of Justice and the justice system in general in the U.S. operates with a political bias, these same people are now claiming Biden pardoned his son because he was unfairly prosecuted for political reasons.

Except that EVERYONE knows that Hunter Biden is guilty as hell. If there was any political bias with regard to the prosecution of Hunter Biden, it was going too easy on him so as not to ensnare his father, as well. 

That was of course after saying repeatedly that Biden would not pardon Hunter.

Aboard Air Force One on the way overseas, Karine Jean-Pierre was given another opportunity to shamelessly lie and dodge after being asked about Biden's pardon after insisted it wouldn't happen. This is the peakest of peak KJP:

RNC Research (@RNCResearch) ~ BREAKING: Karine Jean-Pierre denies she and Biden were lying when they repeatedly told the American people there would be no pardon for Hunter.
Audio File ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1863615923342454983

BWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! No, you pathetic, lying lil' c*nt ... this proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that your boss does NOT believe in being truthful to the American people, does NOT believe in the American justice system, and believes that he and his family are above everyone else in this country. But, it's no surprise ... that you are a liar and that this is what Joe Biden is - a corrupt sleazebag. 

Biden (and KJP) lied because they believe in being honest with the American people? That's totally on brand for this bunch. They've spent the last nearly four years lying and gaslighting the public (the results of the election prove Americans saw through it) and are determined to go down with the ship instead of admitting they're full of BS.

If Biden would have previously replied to questions about if he planned to pardon his son by saying "I'm not sure yet" then he wouldn't have been lying. Going from "I'm not going to pardon him" to "I'm pardoning him" makes the first claim a lie no matter how they try and dress it up.

Teri (@TeriChristoph) ~ And she's going to go on to get paid big bucks in the private sector. What a world.

They don't call 'em "paid liars" for nothing!

I'm not all that sure about that. KJP is clearly a simpleton who cannot think on her feet at all. She'll land somewhere, but I doubt it will be a position of any significance. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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