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Wanna know why the lamestream, woketard media is so pissed off about Brandon's pardon of Hunter? 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Tue, 03 Dec 24 11:15 PM | 16 view(s)
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DELISH! Buck Sexton DROPS Chuck Todd By Pointing Out Why He's REALLY Mad at Biden for Hunter's Pardon


At first, when we saw Chuck Todd ranting and raving about Joe Biden pardoning his son, we thought that would be our angle. Finally, we see someone in the media pointing out how this whole thing is wrong, and that Biden is a liar having spent years telling anyone and everyone that he would not pardon his son because he respects the rule of law. Not to mention the guy was always saying, 'NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW.'

Turns out that was a bunch of HOOEY.

Welp, Todd did go off on Biden ... which is of course worth a watch:

Breaking911 (@Breaking911) ~ B-R-U-T-A-L.

Watch Chuck Todd, another roaring leftist, slamming Joe and Jill for being "selfish."

"Their decision to run for president, put the entire Democratic party and the USA in the position that it's in now."
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1863958075100541249

Uh ... point of order, Upchuck ... YOU assholes are the ones who covered for him. YOU could have called into question Biden's constant, ridiculous lies, the Biden family corruption and debauchery, and Biden's obvious onset of dementia ... BUT, guess what, Upchuck? YOU didn't do that ... you turned a blind eye to all of it because you desperately wanted Democrats to wield power, you sleazy fraud. If you want to rant and rave about who is to blame for the re-ascendancy of Donald Trump - go look in the mirror, asshole. 

Yes, this is brutal.

But not necessarily for the reasons we originally thought. See, Buck Sexton knows why Todd is really pissed at Biden, and it has nothing to do with how he put the country in the position that it's in now.

Sexton with a TKO:

Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) ~ Biden committed the only unpardonable sin against the journos: he turned them all into a national laughingstock. Now, they are pissed. LOL!

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Granted, for those of us on the Right they have always been national laughingstocks BUT now even the Left is seeing it. The same talking heads who spent years babbling about how Biden was a man of character were just made to look like complete fools by the same old man they've been carrying water for.

That's gotta sting, just a little.

MAZE (@mazemoore) ~ This is the wildest thing ever to watch. Out of everyone it was Chuck Todd pushing the “Biden’s are decent, honorable, unselfish people” narrative for the past seven years.

Yep, Upchuckie ... ya shoulda been more careful about what ya wished for, dumbsh!t ... 'cuz ya got it in the end ... with both barrels. 

Ya' love to see it. Well, you love to see it unless you're a member of the legacy media having to crawl out from under the bus Joe just dumped you under.

Mike Lester (@MikeLester) ~ SHORTER: "I'm Mr. Stompy Feet because the Bidens blew my cover as a journalist and exposed me as a democratic propaganda mouthpiece."

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RC O'Leary (@RCOLeary) ~ I think a lot of the anger is being driven by the fact they are blaming Biden for the loss to Trump, which they view as unforgivable. It's a far cry from early summer when Biden was being spoken about by Democrats as Washington-esque and worthy of Mt. Rushmore. 😂😂

Back when he was a PATRIOT for stepping aside.




The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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