Jesus! My log in skills are suckin ass!
Wrote thoughtful and important admin posts over and over and they disappear. This is my final try.
I love that you remaining few are still hanging out, but this website costs me money, and the guy that has to fix it when it crashes also costs money.
The occasional $25 that get donated isn’t even sniffin of covering my costs. Now is the time..::if you want to keep the lights in here..:pay up
Checks to
Bob Sieber
16468 EW 23 RD
Nowata OK 74048
Paypal is @bobsieber
Venmo is @atomicbob
I’d hate for all you guys to lose what seems to be your only place. But it needs to support itself through member donations. I can’t continue to pay out of pocket so a few people can have a place to fight and argue; unless them people are people paying their way.
Y’all have a few days to get your heads together and decide maybe how to divide these costs and contribute.
Happy Holidays to all my old friends.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service.