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Re: Why is this board so slow?

By: micro in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Wed, 04 Dec 24 4:17 PM | 25 view(s)
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Msg. 60013 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 60006 by Beldin)

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can I bring a film crew to yer place when ya lay that line on yer better half?

The video may be worth money... I have a nephew who videos weddings all over the US and does some commercials as well.

I'm sure we could get a great video and maybe even the start of a new mini series..

Why Mini? Cuz it won't take long fer yer better half to let ya know exactly where ya stand, or not, in what USED to be yer house and now is hers... Cheesy Grin Laughing

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Why is this board so slow?
By: Beldin
Thu, 31 Oct 24 8:16 AM
Msg. 60006 of 60014

ribit sez ~ "Not doing anything is great! I just wish the women would get tired of bitchin about it."

They just need to be reminded of how great their lot in life truly is, sire! 

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