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Re: Death Doesnt Exist And May Just Be An Illusion, According To Quantum Physics 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Thu, 05 Dec 24 7:30 PM | 23 view(s)
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Msg. 01159 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 01156 by micro)

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Just me, but I would simply say that "death" is the transitional process by which we are removed from the illusory confines of "time" back into reality. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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Re: Death Doesnt Exist And May Just Be An Illusion, According To Quantum Physics
By: micro
Thu, 05 Dec 24 6:49 PM
Msg. 01156 of 05162

its good to know that quantum physics agrees with GOD that what we call "death" is not really one is non-existent.

Your living, eternal, God breathed SPIRIT which is YOU, leaves the body which has worn out and goes to one of two places accompanied by ANGELS which the normal eyesight of a human cannot see but a spiritual eyesight can and does.

The BODY certainly is lifeless upon death. What is death?

Death is when the SPIRIT leaves the BODY and the body has shut down because without the Spirit in it, it does not function..

ALL ya need to look to for answers is the Scriptures. God should know and HE recorded and KEPT what HE wanted US to have and to READ and learn about HIM and HIS ways.

As a Bible reader and scholar it is easy to discern those who play at things the Bible actually does say and means.

Another important point is to learn as best ya can ancient Greek and Hebrew. Ya can find good books that ya can look up lots of words and see their meaning in the contexts it was spoken..

SO, are these atheist scientists saying that GOD does not exist or the piece of GOD He breathed into all men called a Spirit does no exist either?

Hmmmmmmm. That's a problem and I would not want to stand before him when HE asks if you called HIM a LIAR and quotes what ya said back to ya and can even show ya the replay.. Its all recorded in volumes about each and every one of us.. The Seven BOOKS in Heaven.....

I love it when ungodly men who maybe worldly smart attempt to wander into territory they know nothing about..
Satan tried that too only HE actually is the god of this world.

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