There were multiple quakes up the coast per the USGS mapping, a 6.0, and two 7.0's offshore, but they shift was sideways, not vertically, so the expected tsunami never developed, was cancelled.. So really just a bit of shaking, no damage, nobody hurt AFAIK... Never felt it here, but SIL, 10 miles North did feel it...
Sure got everyone's attention, my watch, iPhone buzzed and beeped, warnings from several agencies, and eventually even on TV, so that worked well...
Rockin' n polling along..
Santa Rosa has had: (M1.5 or greater)
17 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
41 earthquakes in the past 7 days
116 earthquakes in the past 30 days
1,222 earthquakes in the past 365 days
Situation normal!
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