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Re: Posting this morning: Re: Football tonight

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 09 Dec 24 5:37 PM | 13 view(s)
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Msg. 01299 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 01297 by nacl01)

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at least there will be a football game played. The level of competition may be comparable to division 3 ncaa tiny universities.

Dallas and Cincinnati both SUCK this season. The difference is the Bungles have been bad for a much longer time than Dallas.

With all the bluster about Joe Burrow, Chase and Higgins as WR's, their offense is about as non-existent as it can possibly get without being dead.

We have obvious HEAD COACH and Offensive coordinator problems. But they can only do so much without real players.

SO I can't get too excited about them. I'm putting a Steelers flag out front of my house and ingratiate myself to the neighborhood. At least they win.. And Tomlin has done a great job as head coach. Unlike the Bungles.

As the saying goes in these parts: "Wait'll next year".

(next year never comes) so we don't hold our breath.

Actually, Cincinnati does not really have ANY PRO sports teams. They have minor league teams with overpaid players and no results. I think the CFL teams can easily beat the Bungles.

GO Big D !!!!!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Posting this morning
By: nacl01
Mon, 09 Dec 24 3:46 PM
Msg. 01297 of 05162

Thank you for supporting these fine causes. The audiologist will have a nicer Christmas due to you. Mr. Green

Seriously, the native Americans are in great need and are often overlooked.

On another note, Cincinnati plays at Dallas tonight. Despite all odds, one of them will have to win.


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