The guy who got a great economy from Obama and ended up with a loss of 12 million jobs, mishandled Covid TERRIBLY(It will be gone by April, the sun will kill it), we're still waiting for it to go away, except it still kills, then he built only a couple of miles of new wall, WE PAID FOR IT not Mexico, never got Healthcare(Beautiful Healthcare) done, nor ....INFRASTRUCTURE(Biden DID and improved Obamacare with 45 MILLION on it now), never got manufacturing going(Biden did with the infrastructure and Chips Acts, and 12 MILLION Jobs, 3.4% unemployment never seen before 50 years), and the Don left us with YUGE unemployment and an economy in shambles, while Biden is leaving with inflation under 3%, a ROBUST ECONOMY, a market that is in all time extreme highs, corporate earnings through the roof, while Donald tried to force himself back into the oval office and lied about it in '20, attempting a coup and being the only asshole ever to allow our CAPITOL, the base of the /united states government to be invaded and ransacked by a fking mob of idiots who need to have been shot on the spot, climbing walls, entering and breaking, calling for executions of member of Congress and even the Vice President. Of course he got convicted for 34 felonies, and lost a civil suit for sexual assault for $450 MILLION. He also escaped PRISON for attempted coup and for STEALING top secret documents and calling them "MINE'.
Biden also STOPPED Putin's aggression into Europe via Ukraine, let's see what this monkey (I will need the war on day one) will do, eh?
and "concepts" of, along with "Childcare is ...childcare".
All that, and you have the maga crows trying to pass gas with "Biden the worst of all time".
Well, let ME pass some gas on THAT: