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The gaping wound in American democracy…. 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Mon, 16 Dec 24 3:33 PM | 40 view(s)
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Msg. 01469 of 02351
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A worthwhile article / video that zz posted. Why is it worthwhile? Because it clearly shows the vacuous nature of liberal news sources - namely, that they rant and work their minions into frenzies but leave out important material. In this case, the video is a diatribe against Donald Trump and Republicans that gives no hint that there is an actual problem or the need for a solution beyond "Republicans bad. Hate them!"

zz: The problem isn't that Republicans question the 2020 election. The problem is that elections in this country are so badly implemented that they CAN be questioned.

• California - arguably the most technically advanced state in the nation - took more than a month to certify the 2024 election! That's about 29 days too long.
• If a vote is registered in the name of someone who didn't actually vote, there is no way to know!
• With electronic voting, if a percentage of voters aren't presented with all of the candidates, propositions or measures, they cannot prove it.
• There is little preventing non-citizens and other ineligibles (children, felons, corpses) from voting.
• Votes are not securely protected prior to counting. (If you doubt this, google the articles about ballot drop boxes that were burned up in the Pacific Northwest, potentially changing election outcomes. )
• And there is no way for voters to verify that what the state counted is actually what the voter submitted.

These are gaping problems for which solutions or improvements should and could be made. But nobody has tried to do so. Why is that?

Until these problems - and perhaps others, too - are fixed, voter fraud and suspicions of fraud are going to persist. Moreover, until the problems are looked into and fixed, the lack of action by our government(s) is a strong indication that voter fraud *is* occurring and that TPTB want it occurring. You and your cohorts should think about this and do your best to WAKE UP. Even you should agree that sloppy elections are not in America's interest.

By the way, I appreciated all that you had to say in that important post. You clearly showed what a deep thinker you've become.

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