Replies to Msg. #1255751
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01522 Re: The first photos have surfaced of the teen shooter who killed a student and teacher at a Wisconsin Christian school
   Notice that the usual clowns start screaming about Gun Control within...
CTJ   GRITZ   18 Dec 2024
1:31 AM
01520 Re: The first photos have surfaced of the teen shooter who killed a student and teacher at a Wisconsin Christian school
   ...if I am not mistaken the sheriff is the guy who was a school teache...
ribit   GRITZ   18 Dec 2024
12:37 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: The first photos have surfaced of the teen shooter who killed a student and teacher at a Wisconsin Christian school

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ
Wed, 18 Dec 24 12:03 AM
Msg. 01519 of 02277
(This msg. is a reply to 01517 by ribit)
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>>> ...something amiss here. We are not being told everything they know about Natalie / Samantha.

And we will NOT be told by this POS woke police chief.

Madison Police Chief on Shooter: However ‘She or He or They May Have Wanted to Identify’ Is Not Important

Hyup - another young kid being fed poisonous 'gender denying drugs.' Not important, even though steroids, even lowly prednisone, have a critically dangerous side effect that the 'medical community' calls 'rare'.
It is called RAGE, and is a LISTED side effect of prednisone (with the disclaimer of being a rare side effecct). It's not.

The very idea of feeding a 'puberty blocker' called testosterone to a young female adolescent is not only INSANE but should be considered absolutely criminal.

The "sherrif's" not-important BS stance is a point blank admission that this was another case of 'transgender mental illness'.

The news media, and the cops involved, will probably attempt to hide this, and are already saying it was 'not the reason' - while they continue their phony investigation into the 'real reason' for her insanity.

The Supreme Court has this very type of law outlawing feeding these poisons to kids on their docket right now. The 'trannie' lawyers are lying through their teeth, using excuses such as 'sexual/gender' discrimination in trying to fight these very well informed laws from being passed. And at least TWO of idiot women on SCOTUS are fully in favour of shutting those laws down. They should BOTH be impeached for their stupidity. I hope the OTHER SCOTUS justices have the guts to call CRIMINAL INSANITY exactly what it is.

Not holding my breath.

More to be told on the shooting ? Nope - we have the facts (between the lines as they are) already. All info from now on will be full coverup and distraction (like blaming the gun for doing the dirty).

Feeding testosterone to an immature FEMALE is not just insanity, it is KNOWN to be criminally dangerous.  


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...