The Biden White House often talks about this administration breaking records, and they're not necessarily wrong. The reason, however, is not the one they'd like everybody to think.
While Team Biden-Harris issue pardons by the thousands, the White House continues to claim they've done a great job for the American people (lies that were proven wrong after last month's election):
President Biden (@POTUS) ~ I’m proud we will be known as the most pro-labor Administration in American history.
So "pro-labor," in fact, that the majority of labor voted for Trump.
President Biden (@POTUS) ~ Most economists agree the new administration will inherit the strongest economy in the world. It is my hope they will preserve and build on this progress. Like most great economic developments, this one is neither red nor blue. It’s American progress.
"Most economists" meaning those who are devotees of Karl Marx.
Exactly how many people actually believe those claims?
Not many, because Biden's hit his "worst approval numbers yet":
Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) ~ New Marquette poll shows Biden with his worst approval numbers yet: -32. 66% disapprove.
Townhall's Guy Benson served up an alternate headline:
Guy Benson (@guypbenson) ~ A failed, unfit president shuffles and wheezes toward the exits, issuing appalling pardons as he goes.
The Biden years have been a disaster for the country on multiple levels and everybody knows it. Watching the White House continue to insult everybody's intelligence just means that January 20th can't come fast enough.
Eric Cunningham (@decunningham2) ~ Biden’s approval appears to have utterly cratered since the election. Hard to imagine negative coverage of his pardons/commutations hasn’t played a role in this.
Biden still has several weeks worth of pardons to go, possibly up to and including more family members and other Democrats (and certain Republicans).
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence