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In the coming age of prosperity, Oregon chooses poverty

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Thu, 19 Dec 24 4:57 PM | 13 view(s)
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December 19, 2024

In the coming age of prosperity, Oregon chooses poverty

Oregonians ostensibly rejected Trump, and will soon bask in the radioactive glow of a state economy melting down.

by John Woods

On November 5, 2024, there was a seismic event of immense magnitude: Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States. Trump won both the Electoral College and the popular vote. The Republicans won control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. Most of the country moved right, but Oregon, with its broken, corrupt election system, moved farther left into the New Dark Ages. There were thousands of illegal registrations in the election, without any resolution on whether or not these illegal ballots were used to vote. But Oregon’s governor and secretary of state certified the election with this pronouncement, via a local outlet on December 11, 2024:

‘As promised, both the Primary and General Election in 2024 were the most secure in history,’ said Secretary Griffin-Valade. ‘We owe this entirely to the dedicated election officials across the state, who worked tirelessly to ensure this election was safe, secure, and accurate. I am immensely proud of their efforts, as Oregon once again demonstrated why we are the gold standard in election administration.’

The rest of the United States voted for Trump, but Oregon did not. The new Trump Republican administration is saying they will cut waste and fraud. With its apparent cheating in elections and tantrum against Trump, I believe these proposals will cost Oregon dearly. Whether it is karma, the political winds shifting, or divine intervention, you can only get away with cheating for so long, and then the bill comes due.

The Oregon Democrats have rigged the elections in Oregon for years, and will not allow any audits or questioning of the results. They have gotten away with this cheating for decades, but this year’s election was unlike any other. With the landslide Republican victory, Oregon will have little influence and voice in any financial decisions, including grants for Oregon programs.

The rest of the United States is hopeful, looking forward to prosperity with their businesses, preparing for a roaring economy.

Instead of citizen prosperity, Oregon wants to spend its time making sure our pronouns are used correctly. Oregon continues to allow pornographic teaching materials in elementary schools, and Oregon continues to push gender issues. Oregon is seeing layoffs in key industries. Oregon has turned its cash crop, timber, into a green energy boondoggle. Oregon continues to promote wind and solar while hooking up giant data farms to an already tottering electrical grid.

Oregon keeps pouring the taxpayers’ money into black holes to solve the homeless problem, and all it does is get more prominent.

Oregon legalized pot, and now Oregon has record overdose death rates in 2023. Is there a Connection? Nah, that would be outside the realms of possibilities.

Oregon has a $1 billion dollar hole in the Department of Transportation budget; how do they want to fix it? Easy, levy a $0.35 gallon tax on every gallon of gas sold in Oregon.

If these things happen as expected, Oregonians will see stagnation and

much higher taxes. If the number of Oregonians did vote Democrat as stated, and it wasn’t cheating, then soon they will bask in the radioactive glow of a state economy melting down.

Meanwhile the rest of the red states will prosper and grow. Maybe cheating in the elections wasn’t such a good idea, after all. Oregon will be left sitting in the mud hole into which they dug themselves. Elections have consequences, just like stupidity; you can get away with cheating for a while, until the winds change. The winds changed—Oregon didn’t!


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