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By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 20 Dec 24 4:08 PM | 17 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Grits Breakfast of Champeens!
Msg. 01569 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 01564 by ribit)

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Good morning !

It's 8:40 a.m. here and I got a much needed night's sleep.

Its a chilly day here and we are expecting some snow today.
Won't be much but it's not Christmas unless there is a little snow to remind us its winter and the end of December .
My nephew went with me on the trip yesterday and did the driving. He's a good youngster and I have hope he can take over the reins when AI retire. Of course I'll help him with things he does not know but he is teachable.

Miz micro say she wants a new addition added to our mansion so I guess that is my next project to attend to. I'll do the drawings and layout and get bids from contractors. She wants a two car garage added to the front of the house and a large hole cut thru the Brick wall to have a door between the garage and house. The only good news is that the two very expensive windows where that door and garage will abut the home have to be removed and then installed in the new brick 2 car garage.

The driveway also needs to be converted from Blacktop to concrete.

I guess she has is interested in seeing how much money we can blow thru. But she's been telling me for years that she wants an attached garage.

SO, this will be the year.. I stalled her long enough..

We have a total of ONE wrapped present for BOTH of us this year. Neither has any need of anything nor any want other someone's garage projects.
This could be a little complicated as the new roof line for the garage will somehow have to incorporate into the house's roof line and gutter system . I am hoping she comes to her senses. I would prefer a detached garage about ten feet behind our rear door and abutted to our large concrete patio where we could have built an enclosed weather walkway from the rear door to the entrance door of the garage.

This way I could have a pre-fabbed garage erected without nearly as much cost but would need to run the driveway around the house and thru the 8 foot wide gate so we can park in the garage.

I already know how this argument is going to go so I am asking myself why bother bringing it up.

So we have some decisions and figuring out to do after Christmas for a major renovation. I'm thinking as well maybe we could just sell the house and buy another with an existing garage nearby?

I love this house because it is so energy efficient. We worked at getting it that way and enjoy very low utility bills from the electric company which is what runs our heating and cooling. So it will be hard to find another home that has the same windows in it that I researched one solid year and printed out the airflow tests on them to see which maker had the least amount of air let thru them with 30 mph wind..
THOSE are the windows I have in my home. They are NOT a household name but they are SEVEN times BETTER at keeping putside air OUT than the second best window.

Same with the entry door system.. We have ZERO air getting into our home and zero HEAT escaping..
20 inches of insulation in the attic, 12 inches underneath the floor, and all the wall stud voids filled completely with R30 value.

So that's my situation.

I guess I'll put it on the back burner till after the Holidays!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
By: ribit
Fri, 20 Dec 24 3:53 AM
Msg. 01564 of 05162

I know we have THIRSTY NIGHT FUTZBALLS, but that don't mean you guys get a day off. Let's have it with some posts sure to infuriate that other board.

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