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Re: Democrats are seething that their Continuing Resolution Porkfest got shot down

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 21 Dec 24 12:00 AM | 16 view(s)
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Msg. 01579 of 02296
(This msg. is a reply to 01577 by Beldin)

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Johnson Speakership on the Brink

Spending Bill Without Special Interest Pork Goes Down in Flames

38 Republicans Vote with Democrats

Tick Tock: Government Shutdown Looms


The 'porkfest' was OBVIOUSLY due in LARGE part to those 38 REPUBLICANS (aka RINO's) 'negotiating' with the democrats - not because of Johnson's negotiating failures but because of those 38 repugnicants fighting with Johnson and refusing to move a single inch in their OWN desires to cultivate power and influence with the demoncrap house members.

Let's put the blame where it REALLY belongs - on those 38 repugnatans.


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The above is a reply to the following message:
Democrats are seething that their Continuing Resolution Porkfest got shot down
By: Beldin
Fri, 20 Dec 24 11:39 PM
Msg. 01577 of 02296

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For instance ... 

Chuck Todd Thinks Democracy Means Doing What Democrats Want, Even When Republicans Win


This writer has long said that when Democrats talk about 'bipartisanship' what they really mean is 'Republicans have a majority, but they still have to give us what we want.'

And -- for far too long -- a lot of Republicans have been eager to give them what they asked for. Perhaps those Republicans genuinely believed in bipartisanship, or maybe they desperately wanted the media and Democrats to like them. But any way you cut it, the fact remains:

When Democrats win, even a slim majority, they rule like they have a supermajority and they tell Republicans to go pound sand.

When Democrats lose, they scream about bipartisanship and compromise.

Which is why Chuck Todd is whining about slim majorities and democracy:

Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) ~ There are a ton of delusional folks who think a bare majority gives them absolute power. If you want more leverage, win more elections, otherwise, deal with reality and compromise. It’s called a democracy, deal with it.

No, Chuck. That's not how this works anymore.

Trump won the White House. Republicans won the House and the Senate.

Americans spoke up and killed the bloated porkfest that was the CR legislation.

YOU deal with it.

Upchuck Todd is "dealing with" reality the only way he knows how ... 

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Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} Tell me what Dems are compromising with? What part of the CR resembles the MAGA policy positions that just won the election?

Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} Oh yeah? What’s the Democrat party’s compromise here? Disaster funding? Is that something they don’t really want and are doing just to make us happy, Chuck?

They're not compromising on anything.

XBradTC (@xbradtc) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} Well, apparently, we have enough leverage to shootdown Porkfest 24. What use is political capital if you don't spend it?

Yeah, Upchuck ... 

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Robert Kroese (@robkroese) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} If they don't have the power, what are you complaining about?

Upchuck is being a whiny lil' bitch because they DO have the power and Democrats DON'T ... and he knows it. 

Jay (@OneFineJay) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} But, a democracy means majority rules, no matter how slim it is. Maybe reconsider crowing about “democracy” all the time.

Chuck Todd is learning that 'democracy' means 50 plus one, and he doesn't like it.

Funny, that.

Lopez Bees (@LopezBees) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} “Elections have consequences.”

~/ (@Day_For_Day_Yay) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} In a representative republic, we have these people called representatives who are supposed to follow the will of the people. We are just making our voices heard. It's called America, deal with it.

Cope and seethe, Chuck.

@instapundit (@instapundit) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} When Democrats have a bare majority, they do what they want and tell us elections matter.

And the ram through their agenda.

Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} Actually, when the option is a clean CR that funds the government fully, that's all the leverage needed. If you and your Democrat buddies would like to shut down the government over a clean CR, that's on you guys.

It's 100% on them.

The GOP needs to pass a clean CR and make the Democrats go on record opposing or supporting it.

Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) ~ {Replying to @chucktodd} Chuck Todd is lecturing the side that just won a major trifecta of the majority a month ago to "win more elections," while stating it's not really a majority if they win those elections. These people are inconsolable.

Absolutely inconsolable.

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