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Re: Rand​ ​Paul wants to 'Make America Healthy Again,' calls for Fauci to face consequences 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (3)
Sun, 22 Dec 24 4:08 PM | 15 view(s)
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Msg. 01618 of 02310
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Fauci is a sleazy corruptocrat. He has enriched himself and his cronies at the very harmful expense of the American people. Every dime he and his family own should be stripped away from them. 


The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Rand​ ​Paul wants to 'Make America Healthy Again,' calls for Fauci to face consequences
By: De_Composed
Sun, 22 Dec 24 8:01 AM
Msg. 01611 of 02310

December 21, 2024

Rand Paul wants to 'Make America Healthy Again,' calls for Fauci to face consequences

by Cooper Williamson

The last four years have seen a major shift in public opinion concerning Big Pharma and trust in the government. The lies, deception, and greed that were exposed in the wake of the COVID response permanently damaged the public’s trust in the experts. However, the fresh faces in the "Make America Healthy Again" movement, spearheaded by the likes of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., may be exactly the rejuvenation that America needs for a healthier future. Honesty, transparency, and a simple desire to help Americans get healthy may be just the antidote we need.

On “Zero Hour,” Senator Rand Paul joined James Poulos to discuss his new book, "Deception: The Great COVID Cover-up," government accountability, and the "Make America Healthy Again" movement.

They discussed the COVID cover-up, which came to light with the release of private emails by order of a federal court: “Privately, Anthony Fauci and his colleagues were all from the very beginning alarmed that they may have funded this research and that the virus looked to be a virus that had gained in function or a virus that had been manipulated.”

Rand Paul continued to criticize the government officials behind the COVID debacle and the abhorrent state of health care in America: “This is the problem with these people. They’re now advocating for things that seem to enrich a billion-dollar company, but they don’t seem to have factual evidence that it’s beneficial to their child. So now people are distrusting them on everything.”

The "Make America Healthy Again" movement, Senator Paul suggested, is not only a major turn in the tides, but also an opportunity to increase government transparency: “The government needs to turn over a new leaf and try being honest. Because of their vast dishonesty, people are hesitant, people don’t believe the government anymore.” Honesty is the only way to truly "Make America Healthy Again" because people need to trust that some medicine is beneficial.

To hear more about what Senator Rand Paul had to say about MAHA, government accountability, free speech, and more, watch the full episode of “Zero Hour” with James Poulos.

Watch it. It's a great interview.


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