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So ... WHO'S Been Running the Country?! Biden's Term BY THE NUMBERS Is Even MORE Effed Up Than We Thought 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Sun, 22 Dec 24 9:42 PM | 14 view(s)
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Now that Biden's term is coming to an end, those nearest him - and of course our super honest pals in the legacy media - have stopped telling us not to look at the man behind the curtain. The jig is up! Biden has not been of sound mind or you know, 'all there,' since even 2020, which many of us knew, but of course that didn't stop so-called journalists from insisting he was 'sharp as a tack.' Heck, Kamala Harris went out of her way to talk about how brilliant Biden was when nobody was looking.


Welp, as bad as we all thought it was, it was even worse. From keeping the Gold Star families waiting for hours while he napped to wandering around on stages during speeches shaking hands with people who were not really there, Biden's entire presidency was nothing more than a puppet show.

And a really bad one at that.

We imagine as we start looking back at the actual data around his term that it will only get worse, like this post about the number of actual cabinet meetings he had over the past four years. Cabinet meetings. You know, meeting with the people he's appointed to work on various issues and areas of the country?

This is ... embarrassing.

Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) ~ Biden only held 9 cabinet meetings in 4 years and during those meeting members of his cabinet had to submit written questions in advance so he could write out the answers in advance.

Nine meetings in four years.


There are people who have nine meetings A DAY.

How the Hell is this real life? And did Democrats really think they could run this guy again?! So many questions with so few answers ... and the answers we have only make the Democrat look like bigger losers.

Ya' love to see it. Unless, of course, you're a Democrat.

Matthew Kolken (@mkolken) ~ Who was in control of our country the last four years? Americans demand an answer.

Obama? Rice? Jarrett? Likely, it was a conglomerate of people none of us wanted or voted for - heck, Jill Biden could have been running the country for the past four years with their assistance. We certainly saw her behind Joe's desk a lot.

Bonnie Blue and Zoe (@BonnieBlueTK) ~ Everyday Americans demand answers. It appears our elected representatives do not, as most are shrugging this off as if it is totally normal. When you look at congress and the growing number of octogenarians lead around by their staffs, that may be correct.

Rhetoric Facer (@John_Monahan) ~ But he was sharp as a tack behind closed doors, according to @CNN sources.

Yeah, Joe Scarborough on MSNBC spewed the same lies on air, multiple times, too. 

Stiles Bitchley (@StilesBitchley2) ~ The cabal wanted a blank check and got one.

Yep ... here was the blank check ... just write what you want on his forehead ... 

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And then they could blame everything on the old racist white guy Obama resented.



The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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