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On a Happier Note

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 23 Dec 24 12:58 AM | 17 view(s)
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Msg. 01647 of 05162
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only THREE more Days until Christmas !

I realize people may not be of the same persuasion I am buttttttt......

I truly enjoying focusing on how much LOVE and eternal GOD the SON, who spoke and the universe was created. He spoke again and the heavens of earth and the depths of the oceans and the LAND masses all appeared.

I can't get over the fact that HE agreed to do what God the FATHER wanted, which was to provide a way for forgiveness of sin for everyone and be able to have an eternal home in God's presence.

He indeed came to do just that and then to experience and taste (take upon himself) DEATH for every man and woman ever born, then overcome that by raising again on the third day.

SO we now have CHRIST who paid all of our sin debt for us to all who believe and ask HIM for forgiveness, and an eternal HOME in Heaven awaiting for us all who have believed in HIM and what HE did for us on that Christmas Day so many centuries ago.

I still marvel at the thought and realize what a HOLY GOD did for such a person as myself and every person who has broken laws and did wrong. There is still forgiveness of all they did wrong to every one that comes to HIM, this baby in a lowly manger some 2,000 years ago.

How GREAT and LOVING is your GOD ? All one need do this Wednesday is look no farther than that lowly barn stall where HE was born of a virgin according to the scriptures and was GOD in human flesh so HE could taste DEATH for every man, woman and child. And overcome it.

It is my hope that everyone here will take a moment to say thank you to HIM who loved us, and gave Himself a ransom on a cross and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures of old, so that HE took our sins upon Himself and paid for them with His own HolY BLOOD as the only acceptable offering to GOD the FATHER for our sin debt.

This Christmas, be sure to say THANK YOU to the ONE for whom this day is named after and Give HIM the glory and praise for this day.

May God bless you all and give you great joy and peace as we celebrate HIS BIRTH this Wednesday morning..

I look forward to that day when I can see HIM face to face and fall on my knees and worship HIM and Thank HIM.

Merry Christmas to all of my friends here on Bob's board he so graciously provides for us.
Thank You Bob and a Merry and Blessed Christmas to YOU and YOURS !


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