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Re: ROFLMAO - BreitBlat and Tucker have der panties in a wad and their Johnson's in a twist.

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 23 Dec 24 2:39 AM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 01656 of 02401
(This msg. is a reply to 01655 by De_Composed)

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>>> The GOP should have let the government shut down. It would have been on Joe Biden's watch and Democrats would have received the blame.

Agreed. 100%

And it would have been a fitting end to the nazicommunist regime - even better than an empty impeachment (with no conviction possible) as a grand finale.


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: ROFLMAO - BreitBlat and Tucker have der panties in a wad and their Johnson's in a twist.
By: De_Composed
Mon, 23 Dec 24 2:09 AM
Msg. 01655 of 02401


Re: “If you believe that either of those might have happened, honestly don't know what to say to you.”
Sorry. I misunderstood you. The GOP should have let the government shut down. It would have been on Joe Biden's watch and Democrats would have received the blame.

Shutdowns are a joke anyway. Only non-essentials get furloughed, and they're only about a quarter of the workforce. Then, when the crisis ends, they all receive backpay. That's how it works every single time.

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