Sometimes reality is so over-the-top absurd you have to wonder if the Universe is playing an elaborate prank on us. Take the case of Kevin Drum, former writer for Mother Jones (yeah, we know). Drum is one of way too many journalists whose mission seems to be to persuade by any means necessary rather than inform. Check this out.
Kevin Drum (@kdrum) ~ Americans have not lost trust in the media. Republicans have.
Ah, "Americans" vs. "Republicans," eh? Heh heh heh heh heh ... frantically trying to convince yourself that you still matter so you can sleep at night, eh, Drum? ROTFLMAO!
Pretty clear picture of how Republicans, as opposed to Americans (weird framing, but whatever) are actually the ones who mistrust mass media.
What can we conclude? Easy, right-wingers are unique in their false belief that media is untrustworthy. Case closed, right? Not so fast. As a few people who pay attention to the data noted, there's something missing.
EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) ~
Ah yes, independent voters. Weird that a journalist concerned about media distrust is a dishonest weasel. Now with this important piece of information introduced, a new possible conclusion emerges: media distrust is widespread but Democrats are either partisanly or ignorantly credulous. Given Drum's apparent deception, we think this is the more likely scenario. Many others did too.
Yep, it is actually Democrats who are delusional in their willful ignorance. BUT, even the Democrat numbers are trending downward.
Storm Paglia (@storm_paglia) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} Republicans are Americans. Also ignores independents which has totally cratered. Dishonest as usual.
There's your Cliff's Notes version. Now let's get to the sweet, delicious mockery.
Heather Champion (@winningatmylife) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} Aren't Republicans Americans! I sense some opinion here!
Hmm, you noticed that too?
Katya Sedgwick (@KatyaSedgwick) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} If by “Americans” you mean “Democrats.”
Seriously. Who are you selling this to if not insecure leftists who need to feel superior?
Actually, Drum, himself, is the most insecure of the people he is trying to sell this BS to. BWHA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
Saul Goodman ( @saulgoodman178 ) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} Manipulates the data by removing independents whose trust has cratered to 27%. Sees only Republicans that have lost trust. I hope your industry has a lot more layoffs.
Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} Apart from the hilarious suggestion that Republicans aren’t Americans, this chart shows only about 50% of Democrats trust the media - down about 20% from 2018 when media was solely focused on hating Trump.
Interesting side note, even Democratic trust in the media is down.
Wontonimo Bae (@wontonimobae) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} Sweetie, do you know what a trend line is? Here, honey, let me show you.
The big red arrow to explain it to the simpletons is just a chef's kiss.
Bonn! (@Possiblyinabit) ~ {Replying to @kdrum} People who manipulate data like this to confirm their bias are a major part of the problem.
Yes. If journalism is the twisted three-car pileup on the side of the road, folks like Drum are the drunk guy who caused it by swerving across three lanes randomly and now is just standing there, leaning against the median rail wondering how it could have happened.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence