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Victor Davis Hanson Delivers Brilliant Breakdown on Why Democrats Despise Elon Musk 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (3)
Wed, 25 Dec 24 12:01 PM | 15 view(s)
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They hate him because they can’t destroy him and every time they try they make a fool of themselves and he gets stronger.” This could be the single greatest explanation of why the left is diametrically opposed to everything that @elonmusk does. “They hate Elon Musk as much as they hate Donald Trump because he’s successful. His private enterprise success is comparable to Trump’s political amazing comeback.” “He is also like Trump, he’s indestructible.” “They said to Musk, we’re going to charge you $44 billion for Twitter and you’re going to go broke. Well he paid that and found that he revolutionized all of social media.” “And then they said we’re going to take away your deduction for electrical vehicles here in California. Only your company will not get a federal write-off, the purchaser of your product. He said fine, I don’t want to be in California anyway.”

“Every time they bite his ankles, just like Trump, he gets stronger and that makes them even angrier.” “Trump is a rare kind of politician who comes in once every century that remake a whole Republican Party and his counterpart and force multiplier is Musk.” “He’s a true renaissance man. He was the first person to break in to the top three, the big three auto companies. Nobody said you could do it, he did.” “Everybody said NASA had to have a government monopoly over our space program, he broke that wide open.” “Everybody said forget social media, it’s hopeless, it’s a left-wing monopoly. He broke that.” “That’s why they hate him.” “They hate him because they can’t destroy him and every time they try they make a fool of themselves and he gets stronger.”


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