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Re: Rapid brain aging occurs at three distinct ages, scientists discover: Here’s how to slow it down

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sat, 28 Dec 24 10:51 PM | 13 view(s)
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Msg. 01858 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 01855 by ribit)

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however, I have no fear as miz micro is older than me and it does not appear the brain aging is anywhere in sight. She is still sharp as a tack in her mind and with her foot and speech.

I'll be sure to let y'all know when it begins if I remember. Laughing

How does one age physically and their other body organs and parts do not? Not quite sure of that but I feel my age and preferred myself about ten years ago over today.

My memory is not what is once was. I have lost a gift I had most of my life in my ability to retain anything I read whether in a book or on a blackboard or on a sign.

If I read it I retained it. It was a gift. That started going away in my young sixties.

SO, with aging things kinda deteriorate. That's why we will get a brand new incorruptible and permanent body when we leave this one and instantly are taken into God's presence in Heaven IF we have accepted and trust CHRIST as Lord and Savior.

So the good news is the things that definitely deteriorate and corrupt will be replaced with new and improved ones made by GOD and of course they are perfect and non-corruptible. They last for eternity.

And you will look just like yourself there only without spots or blemishes or excess pounds.

I am looking forward to that as well.

Anyway, I am headed to my daughter's house for dinner and to watch the Bengals game..

My best to you all ! Very Happy Very Happy

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Rapid brain aging occurs at three distinct ages, scientists discover: Here’s how to slow it down
By: ribit
Sat, 28 Dec 24 7:15 PM
Msg. 01855 of 05162

Rapid brain aging occurs at three distinct ages, scientists discover: Here’s how to slow it down

A new study has revealed that brain aging peaks at three distinct ages: 57, 70 and 78.


...just so's ya want be surprised when ya start thinking that Whoopi makes a lot of sense.

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