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Re: Trump Vivek and Musk 

By: CTJ in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Sun, 29 Dec 24 5:27 PM | 21 view(s)
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Msg. 01871 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 01869 by De_Composed)

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Why do foreigners flock to American universities if American schools have such low standards and produce subpar engineers? Why don’t they just stay in India for their education?

My experience working with H1-B engineers mostly Asian and Indian is that they weren’t any better or any worst than American engineers. One downside to Indian co-workers was that they were cliquish and hoarded information amongst themselves. This was on two different projects and at two different companies. Hardware/infrastructure design projects.

A lot of employment firms (contract employment) apply for hundreds of H1-B positions,hire the workers, mark their salary’s up and subcontract them to the companies that need the help.

The H1-B visa program is a scam purely used to lower labor costs.
I recall that President Trump updated the H1-B visa program to fix it but Biden allowed Trumps fixes to expire. Trump put restrictions on the program that required the companies to show that they had tried to hire Americans before using H1-B workers but couldn’t find any to fill the positions. Trump also had added some salary restrictions.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Trump Vivek and Musk
By: De_Composed
Sun, 29 Dec 24 2:06 PM
Msg. 01869 of 05162


Re: “The point being that's BS about the real engineers here are not as good as the ones from India..”
But are they? Musk is willing to eliminate the employment advantage H-1B engineers have. He still wants the program's numbers upped - suggesting that there really is a shortage of engineers or that Ramaswamy's assessment of American engineers is correct (in the opinions of Ramaswamy and Musk.)

I suspect that American universities have lowered their standards so much that the best engineers really are from foreign countries. But if that's not the case, then American graduates have nothing to fear. Not, at least, if the H-1B program is revised as Musk recommends.

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