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Re: Trump Vivek and Musk

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Sun, 29 Dec 24 11:31 PM | 21 view(s)
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Msg. 01894 of 02331
(This msg. is a reply to 01889 by micro)

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Re: “Real engineering colleges whose focus is to be the best are excellent. They are particular about who gets allowed in as well. Mediocrity is not acceptable.”
Think what you will, but the DEI program at M.I.T. is alive and well.

Somewhat to M.I.T.'s credit, the requirement for a Diversity Statement from every faculty candidate was eliminated this year - after M.I.T.’s president testified to Congress alongside her peers from Harvard and UPenn. You might remember that the other two consequently resigned their positions. Here's what the New York Times has to say about the Diversity Statement: "The practice of screening candidates for their diversity statements, sometimes before considering their academic qualifications, has been attacked as particularly corrosive in the sciences."

Rest assured that M.I.T.'s change was not actually something it WANTED to do. Moreover, M.I.T. has had DEI priorities and, therefore, a focus on something other than "to be the best" for some time. With a little luck and a lot of backpeddling, perhaps it will regain some of what it has lost.

And, yes, I've had conversations with M.I.T. graduates, along with Cal Tech. But they all graduated long ago, before all this DEI crap came into play.

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Re: Trump Vivek and Musk
By: micro
Sun, 29 Dec 24 10:36 PM
Msg. 01889 of 02331

have you ever met and had a discussion with anyone who graduated from MIT ?Or Purdue University College of Engineering which is highly respected as well.

Real engineering colleges whose focus is to be the best are excellent. They are particular about who gets allowed in as well. Mediocrity is not acceptable. I will guarantee that the ones coming out of MIT, Purdue, Georgia Tech, and other schools with excellent Colleges of engineering are still turning out well competent and qualified engineers of various specialties.

Mine was Mechanical Engineering. I have friends who are Chemical engineers and Nuclear engineers. They are not scientists.. Those guys like the Physicist from Israeli I have mentioned before are just scary smart..

I'll take an Israeli mechanical or Nuclear engineer. I know they are exceptional.. But I have no problems with American engineering graduates who have actually studied and understand what they learned. It's after college that you learn to APPLY what you learned.. THAT takes a little exposure and time..

BTW, I know a few Indian Engineers who came here from India to study Engineering. I have known one from India for over 40 years now and have a wonderful friendship with and was invited to his Daughter's wedding. THAT was a HUGE DEAL. We remain great friends. But he learned engineering here in an American Engineering COLLEGE.

I am sure that there are good engineering disciplines and engineers overseas in many countries. Germany isn't exactly second rate.

As far as Vivek goes, I would like to see his credentials on why he is an authority on disparaging American engineering graduates.. IS HE a proven Engineer??? Is he even an engineer?

Elon should be grateful for the dumbass engineers like me who actually worked on developing the HULL for the Abrams A1 battle tank.. We were the only company in America who could actually make that and machine it to the specs.

I also was on the team that designed and made the very first Robot to work on General Motors assembly line. I was in South Carolina at that time.

From there robotic arms transfer cars and other things began to come onto the scene.

As brilliant as Elon is, this criticism to me is unwarranted and from Rama-big mouth just beyond ridiculous.

Sorry. I'm calling BS on this huge load of manure...

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