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Re: Former President Jimmy Carter dead at 100 

By: De_Composed in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Mon, 30 Dec 24 6:18 PM | 24 view(s)
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Msg. 01915 of 02283
(This msg. is a reply to 01909 by micro)

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Re: “IMO, there should be a high standard of qualifications for this office of President. THAT way ya can keep Peanut farmers out of it and Dementia patients who are mentally incapable, and thieves like another current President..”
And then whoever runs the "Qualifications Administration" effectively chooses our President. No thank you.

The media is supposed to vet our candidates and expose the frauds, crooks and incompetents. It has failed, though, thanks to Bill Clinton removing the antitrust barriers that prevented huge organizations from buying up all of the independent companies. Since the 1980s, we went from something like 80 news agencies covering every story in every imaginable way to just SIX that own or control 90% of the media outlets throughout the United States. That makes it a snap for whoever controls the SIX to control the spin and quell the stories that the SIX want quelled - such as a President who was having an affair with an intern, a Democratic nominee who was suffering from advanced and incurable Lewy Body Dementia, evidence that a Presidential candidate had committed espionage by failing to safeguard classified e-mails or the existence of a laptop computer containing solid evidence of hundreds of felonies committed by the family of a Presidential aspirant.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Former President Jimmy Carter dead at 100
By: micro
Mon, 30 Dec 24 3:21 PM
Msg. 01909 of 02283

I agree with your father.

There was nothing I liked or respected about him while he was in office.

He cost me a lot of money and I could not buy a new house with 24% mortgage rates or sell mine.

He was perhaps the most unqualified person besides Biden to ever serve as a President.

He should have stuck with his livelihood and vocation. He was good at that..

His best years were long after he was thrown out of office by the electorate the next election.

I Have nothing good in my remembrance of his years as President. He cost me a lot of money..
And I was just young and getting started in my career.

IMO, there should be a high standard of qualifications for this office of President. THAT way ya can keep Peanut farmers out of it and Dementia patients who are mentally incapable, and thieves like another current President..

That's how I see it. ymmv

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