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The Panama Canal Treaty - redux

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Wed, 01 Jan 25 2:17 AM | 13 view(s)
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Yes, Carter finished the negotiations with Panama, and did sign what is called 'Panama Canal Treaty' (actually two documents)

However, this was the END of a process STARTED under Nixon.


What is NOT in the above summary (which is fairly accurate) is that a legitimate treaty DOES NOT EXIST.

The two documents 'ratified' by the Senate are NOT what were negotiated with Panama, and were NEVER SIGNED by Panama. The negotiated 'treaty', signed by Panama, was HEAVILY modified by the U.S. Senate, and those modifications were what were 'ratified' and signed by the POTUS.

Panama NEVER SIGNED those modified documents.

Ergo, no treaty exists according to international and US Constitutional law.

Reaga could have torn it up, but chose not to. He should have - I believed that then, and do till this day. It was a heavy part of Reagan's campaigning, against the treaty, but was not followed up on.

You will be hard pressed to find the 'non-ratified status' facts above in any of the archives, but it ya'll do find solid documentation of same, would appreciate a reference to it.

Two sides signing two different documents do not a 'treaty' make.


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