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Re: Jimmy Carter - First Administration to be known as "High and Dry" 

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Wed, 01 Jan 25 4:16 AM | 10 view(s)
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Msg. 01951 of 02089
(This msg. is a reply to 01944 by monkeytrots)

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MonkeyTrots > I have never held Carter responsible for the incredible inflation and interest rates this country experienced in the late 70's/early 80's - but rather Richard Nixon and his quite heavy deficit spending, revocation of the gold standard, and his UNConstitutional Wage and Price controls,

I'm going to disagree with you here.

Nixon had to deal with Johnsons 'War on Poverty'. Kennedy's 'American Man On the Moon'. And Johnsons Vietnam War.

A Trifecta of budget busting deficit producing 'programs' which Nixon, thanklessly, had to deal with.

Nixon got U.S. out of Vietnam. Nixon got Americans to the moon. And 'We' lost the war on poverty.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Jimmy Carter - First Administration to be known as "High and Dry"
By: monkeytrots
Wed, 01 Jan 25 2:00 AM
Msg. 01944 of 02089

Furstly - I did NOT vote for him - voted for Ford, mainly 'cuz he pardoned Nixon when everyone else was still hammering the nails in, and the little the media published about Carter showed that he was unfit to hold office, despite his 'academic and military credentials.' He was a hard core liberal (not like the leftists today), that was perfectly obvious.

The high and dry - a good percentage of those surrounding Carter were self-admitted 'pot heads' - and Carter was known for his abstinence - despite his own brother and 'Billy Beer'. Carter was also a man who was married to one woman, did not cheat on her or molest interns or other women, despite admitting to adultery with his infamous "Lust in his heart" quote, which is a theologically sound interpretation of that particular commandment.

I have never held Carter responsible for the incredible inflation and interest rates this country experienced in the late 70's/early 80's - but rather Richard Nixon and his quite heavy deficit spending, revocation of the gold standard, and his UNConstitutional Wage and Price controls, for which he should have been legitimately impeached and removed from office. Watergate was a nothing - Nixon should have taken the tapes out to the front yard of the White House, with a 5 gallon can of gas, a matchbook and a bag of marshmallows.

As to the 'inflation and usurious interest rates' add a full heaping measure of the blame for that on the head(s) of the Federal Reserve and their insanely incestuous relationships with the banking industry, as they are today also.

Granted, NONE of the policies instituted by Carter did anything but fuel that fire, but the fire was started by Nixon, not Carter.

Reagan put that fire out - admirably - with the help of fiscal conservatives in Congress. (remember the "Contract with America" anyone, for which WeeWillieWanker attempted to take credit ?) Kemp Roth should come to mind.

The Camp David Accords ? Yes, Carter does deserve credit for that SOLE achievement of note - a peace between Israel and Egypt that still endures today.

However Carter deserves 100% of the BLAME for the rise of Iran's terrorist leadership of today. He ACTIVELY worked to overthrow the Shah of Iran and put the mullahs in control - and that abomination endures to this very day. It has cost hundredes/thousands of American lives. Carter's abortion of a SINGLE rescue attempt for the AMERICANS held hostage by Iran is also a mark of how Carter was an abysmal failure as a president and of the DAMAGE Carter did to the United States Military - deliberate damage only rivaled by O'Fuhrer and taken even further by the current Brandon nincomoop-ocracy.

As to worst president ever moniker, LBJ was far worse than Carter. #3-FDR, #2-O'fuhrer, and #1-Brandon and others in US history shove Carter even further down the list.

Yes, Carter was a horrible president, but hardly ever 'the worst'.

That honour goes summa cum laude to the current mental defective occupying the White House - a record that will stand for a long time, if not for eternity.

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