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Re: H1-B has been destroying American lives for decades 

By: ribit in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Wed, 01 Jan 25 9:03 AM | 11 view(s)
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Msg. 01954 of 02236
(This msg. is a reply to 01950 by Zimbler0)

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...I dunno if he got preferential treatment or not. I always liked GW and he seemed to be a good choice after the Clintonista's left office. I don't have much use for the folks who just ran and cursed those of us who didn't run. Jane Fonda and John Kerry are two I would feel no sympathy for if they were sentenced to a prison facility comparable to The Hanoi Hilton.

...I said something the other day about Carter giving away the Panama Canal. He let the draft dodgers come home too. Unlike the story of the prodigal son, I would have forgiven them but not let them come home. I've heard quite enough about their sacrifice and how they did it all for the soldiers sailors airmen and Marines who did go. When ya make a choice ya pay for it.

...ah well, Vietnam has been over a long time and like the American civil war there will be hard feelings enough to go around for awhile to come. (at least long enough for micro to remember that the civil war isn't over and they didn't win and by the way, Yankees can't play football. They more the non grits eating soccer type.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: H1-B has been destroying American lives for decades
By: Zimbler0
Wed, 01 Jan 25 4:07 AM
Msg. 01950 of 02236

The GWB National Guard document hoax ...

What I find somewhat amusing in all that . . . Was the fact that at the time 'ducking the Vietnam War' was pretty much a spectator sport and roundly applauded by the 'media scum brigades'.

Prior to blathers 'exposay' . . If someone had claimed GWB had received preferential treatment to get into the Air National Guard, I'd have said probably - but so what. Countless demo-rat politicians also ducked Vietnam and 'they' were all considered the smart ones.

After so-called journalist dan blather's forged documentary was exposed to be fraudulent . . Well . . Obviously, GWB could not possibly have received preferential treatment.


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