While I think the extraterrestrial is just sucking up to Trump, it is not in a private businesses’ responsibilities to monitor “truth”.
I believe in freedom of speech as it is supported in law, and therefore those on social media platforms can go back and forth and hack at it and each other. Same thing about banning books from libraries. That’s nazi and soviet stuff.
Finally, the one thing, whether we like it occasionally or not, about America is its ability to change course quickly where the rest of the world sticks to the same old shit forever. That’s why we rule, we change, we don’t get stuck. It is not perfect but it is better than a stalemate.
That said, Trump has plunged the toilet and the shit from the sewer has come up and flowing. The cleanup will be painful just like it was after Bush and his disastrous wars and economy collapse. The same creeps who voted for him on that other board now despise him. Some won’t be around for the effects of Trump. They can’t see that they fall for the same crap time and again. Some never change.