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Re: What happened to America First?

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (0)
Wed, 08 Jan 25 9:06 PM | 17 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Grits Breakfast of Champeens!
Msg. 02294 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 02292 by De_Composed)

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You just made a statement in this post that actually emphasizes a truth about democrats.

They think everything is FREE and that it is their's to give away to anyone they want even though it does not belong to them.
Carter was a decent man... He should have stayed out of something he knew nothing about.

Pride and ambition got in the way. IMO he was the worst President in my lifetime as well as the least qualified. He was over his head.

If one has a talent and a gift at doing something they should stay with it.. Don't let yer ego talk ya into doing sumpin that sounds great but you are competent or smart enough to do that...

He was a nice man. He has a heart for others.
He did not know a doggone thing about economics or macro economics. He cost me personally a lot of money.

I respect him for habitat for humanity. I am fairly confident I will see him again in heaven.

Hoping Trump's team will undo a boatload of Biden administration stuff that was not good for the country and please...... GET RID of the stupid climate change BULL and useless windmills.. And forcing automakers to convert to electric cars nobody really wants..

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: What happened to America First?
By: De_Composed
Wed, 08 Jan 25 7:07 PM
Msg. 02292 of 05162


Re: “Occupying Panama would be a disaster.”
I've recently read that the U.S. and Panama never signed a valid treaty regarding the canal. Trump may be correct about reclaiming it.

Panama could not put up any serious resistance if the U.S. did this. Its total armed forces in 2016 was 22,050 people. So, in what sense, do you say that taking it back would be a disaster? It might make us look bad in the eyes of the world, but should we care what the world thinks?

IMO, though, Trump is just talking about this in order to gain leverage for future negotiations. 70% of the canal's business is with American ships. After Carter gifted it, Panama jacked the fees waaaaay up. Trump may be trying to get that reversed.

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