Good to hear, they are so nasty with these high winds.
I remember a new pickup in the driveway next to my BIL's loss, so hot it melted the aluminum wheels, engine block, transmission so there were big puddles of aluminum under it, I thought of saving one puddle as a reminder, but it felt wrong to do it, so I left it.. Wind, fire, oils, fuel, had to be like a blowtorch...
His 2 story home, began burring as the fire came into the roof vents, so it burned from the inside, all the heat held in by the stucco exterior, so an oven, it made glass froth out od the glass art objects... Total loss, they moved... Luckily they'd upgraded their insurance after the kitchen remodel.. But so much was irreplaceable... Native American art, rugs, paintings, book collections... What a mess... Some jewelry was recovered, restored from the safe, I saved one bronze statue, they had it redone by the artist...
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