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Re: What happened to America First? 

By: Zimbler0 in GRITZ | Recommend this post (5)
Thu, 09 Jan 25 4:37 AM | 25 view(s)
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Msg. 02305 of 02373
(This msg. is a reply to 02289 by CTJ)

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CTJ > Trump has gone from ending birthright citizenship, to citizenship for dreamers (anchor babies) in less than 60 days.

Zim : As I understand the Constitution, if a kid is born in the U.S., and it's Mama takes it back to her home country it should NOT be eligible for American citizenship. But a kid born in the U.S. who spent his/her entire life in the U.S. ought to be eligible for citizenship.

As I understand it, Obozo's 'DACA Dreamers' were NOT born in the U.S. and therefore should NOT be entitled to citizenship. In my opinion those and their parents should be deported.

CTJ > H1-b has been a known scam for over 20 years.

Zim : There was an article I read just a short while ago titled "The Brain Import That Saved the Soviet Union".
It seems 'We' have destroyed our educational systems. DEI and CRT and the rest of the alphabet soup of stupidity have destroyed our ability to educate our children. So, short term where do we get the 'Big Brains' we need? Possibly with an H1-B job offer? Long term we need to correct our educational systems. With BIG 2X4's if necessary.

Canada? If we 'made it part of America' I suspect we would have as many 'new States' as Canada currently has provinces. Personally I don't think it would be worth it. But if Canada has the 'oil riches' in the far north like Alaska does it might be worth forging collaborative ventures to help exploit them.

As for Panama, I think I'd like to see the U.S. operating the canal for our mutual good - and making sure there aren't any chinese / Russian / islamic / etc/ etc/ saboteur's running around loose on it.



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The above is a reply to the following message:
What happened to America First?
Wed, 08 Jan 25 5:55 PM
Msg. 02289 of 02373

Trump has gone from ending birthright citizenship, to citizenship for dreamers (anchor babies) in less than 60 days.

Trump has also done a 180 on the H1-b visa issue since Elon musk joined his team. H1-b has been a known scam for over 20 years. Replacement of Americans in the workforce with cheap foreign labor.

It’s very unlikely that Canada will become a U.S. state. But the thought that America would give voting rights to 40 million liberal Canadians is crazy. Conservatives would never win another election in the U.S. Making Canada and Greenland territories might be a better idea.

Trump mentioned using our military (if necessary) to take back the Panama Canal. This would be insane. Occupying Panama would be a disaster.

What happened to America First?

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