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Re: The Weather 

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ | Recommend this post (2)
Thu, 09 Jan 25 9:23 PM | 12 view(s)
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Msg. 02347 of 02384
(This msg. is a reply to 02342 by micro)

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Very well summarized, Micro.

During snow and ice events in DFW the traffic drops off dramatically. Probably most of the traffic is from immigrant yankees during these. You know 'the elite' that think their drivin' don't stink. *s*

Got one of my first 'practice' sessions at 17 in a large (and empty) parking lot during an ice storm in Big Spring (West Texas). Doing donuts, intentional skids and recovery, etc. . Had a couple of friends in the back seat of my 66 Malibu (300hp 327). Earned myslef a flashing blue and red, and a po'd officer. He chewed me out, and warned my 'passengers' they should get out and not ride with me. I laughed later. The cop was mainly ticked cuz he couldn't write me any tickets. Private propery and no jurisdiction.

I learned a lot of valuable 'real life' driving skills during that little session.


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: The Weather
By: micro
Thu, 09 Jan 25 8:24 PM
Msg. 02342 of 02384


As someone who drove over 100 miles roundtrip to work and back for over 35 years, I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of motorists on the road in a snow and ice weather event haven;t a clue how to drive. They don't know there is a difference between being on an interstate or a four lane road or avenue. I have pretty much seen it all and now I just relax and laugh at them.

I would love to see how the Big D and FORT W folks drive with ice first and 5 or more inches of snow on top.

I cannot imagine they are any worse than most here in southern ohio.

THAT said, PRACTICE makes for better learning and then execution on roads. Where De lives they get a lot of practice. A WHOLE lot more than Big D area multiplied by years and years.

I have family in Big D. I've been there. Nice area.

But the truth is the majority of people everywhere are just poor drivers to begin with and worse during snow and ice events.

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