Yeah, Trump was engaging the real current president, Barry Soetoro, in some humorous conversation. Kamala-ala-Bimbo, after spying Trump and Soetoro yucking it up, was sullen in her despondency. To me, George W. was really showing his age, which, by the way, is only one month either way of Trump and Billy Jeff. It was late in the morning so it was definitely way past time for an ice cream cone, a new Depends, and a nap for Biden. Billy Jeff Clinton was scouring the audience for some sweet young female flesh to nail after the funeral was over. And, Hitlery Clinton was fuming because she knows ... and she knows that everyone else knows ... she is sitting at the head of the audience, in spite of her many, many failures, only because she is married to a guy who actually became POTUS.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence