File this one under "Democrats Are Such Pathetic, Ridiculous Hypocrites."
Hello Karma, our old friend, we've come to point and laugh with you again ...
You'd think elected officials, especially on the Left, would know better than to try and troll anyone on X or any social media platform because somehow, someway the trolling always comes back to bite them and usually it's threefold. Take for example Mayor Karen Bass, who left her city to visit Ghana AFTER she had received a letter from Fire Chief Crowley warning of the dangerous possibility of wildfires since you know, she cut their budget by $17 MILLION dollars.
She really should just resign.
Because we don't see things getting any better for her any time soon.
For example, things she posted, years ago, coming back to bite her RIGHT on her backside:
Jimmy (@JimmyPrinceton) ~ So, how was Ghana?
Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark.
Extremely Careless (@Shanghaibeast) ~ That's Ghana come back to bite her.
We see what they did there.
mark (@rhapsodyboard) ~ Funny that you ask. Perpetual loudmouth got real quiet all of a sudden.
Video ~
When you end up being the butt of your own joke ... that's never a good thing.
Well, unless you're one of the people around you pointing and laughing, then it's awesome.
Twitchy GOLD even.