As we told you earlier, California Gov. Gavin Newsom had a bit of free time this week, so he went on the Obama bros' "Pod Save America" podcast to complain about Trump while saying the fires in his state shouldn't be politicized (politicians rarely want things "politicized" when their incompetence has been exposed for all to see).
Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) ~ Newsom calls for grace after failing to do basic wildfire prevention and then complains about a “weaponized environment,” invokes Trump when asked about his own accountability given he’s Governor. Revolting display.
Video ~
In a follow-up post, the "Pod Save America" account shared a link for people who would like to donate to the recovery effort, but the link goes to a page for ActBlue, a Dem PAC.
Senator Elizabeth Warren took that lead a step further in her post soliciting donations:
Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) ~ To help support the communities around L.A. being devastated by wildfires, can you split a donation between the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation and United Way of Greater Los Angeles? 100% of your donation will go directly to these organizations:
She could have just directly linked to the charities, but there's an ulterior motive for doing it this way.
The Libertarian Trap (@LibertarianTrap) ~ Do not, under any circumstances, donate your money to ActBlue. Democrats are now using the tragedy in LA to fill their coffers. This is a new level of ghoulish behavior.
Yep, there's really no other way to accurately say this ... Lizzie Lie-a-watha is a sleazy c*nt.
Sunny (@sunnyright) ~ {Replying to @ewarren} Any reason you're funneling donations through a left-wing company that takes 4% of the donation for its services, rather than right to the charities?
Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) ~ Elizabeth Warren is using her position as United States Senator to skim 3.95% of all private donations meant to help those effected by the California fires into the coffers of the Democratic Party through ActBlue. She’s actively taking money from those who need it.
Right at the top of the donation page is a nice big "Warren for Senate" advertisement:
Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) ~ Ah!
Yikes. "Ghoulish" pretty much sums it up.
"Greedy, grasping, and ghoulish" to be more exact.
Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) ~ Elizabeth Warren is taking advantage of the Los Angeles wildfires by using Act Blue to raise money in the name of helping those impacted. Pocahontas is list building off of tragedy in CA as she angles to run for president in 2028. This is gross stuff.
"Never let a crisis go to waste" is their time-honored mantra.
kaitlin (@thefactualprep) ~ The shamelessness of this is incredible. I would like to think the money goes to the charities, okay, but they’re collecting data and email lists, which is just not ethical.
tsrblke (@tsrblke) ~ Cripes, it literally says "Warren for Senate" at the top. They have no shame.
None at all.
Elizabeth Warren's the Latest Dem Bringing a 'New Level of Ghoulish Behavior' to Fundraising for L.A.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence