It was a long time ago when The Shart was speaking out his backside to me because he claimed I was lying about my company or something.
I proposed a bet of half a million dollars and I would send a private jet to pick him up and land him on the runway about 2000 feet from my plant. I would also return him.
Anyone on this board could hold the money.
The Shart always , not sometimes, opens his YAP when he has no knowledge of a topic or someone's personal situation. He would have lost but I suspect he did not have half a million to bet with either.
I was going to charter a business jet to go pick his sorry arse up so it would not have taken long..
I refuse to even recognize this turd with the loud mouth anymore. SO,
Yes Zim, He ain't too bright and he backs down on bets made when he is called on his big mouth spouting about the wrong person and calling me a liar or an imposter.
Isn't a "SLINK" some type of animal? I believe that is what he really is.. A Slink.. Wonder if the Cincinnati Zoo needs one of those?