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WOOF! Whoopi Goldberg truly is dumber than a box of rocks ... 

By: Beldin in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Tue, 14 Jan 25 10:32 PM | 12 view(s)
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Whoopi Goldberg Says California Should Deny Paying Federal Money in Future if LA Wildfire Relief Has Strings

“You don’t want to play this game,” the host of “The View” says


By Andi Ortiz
The Wrap
January 14, 2024

As House Speaker Mike Johnson and more Republicans argue that any wildfire relief funding for Los Angeles should come with conditions, “The View” host Whoopi Goldberg is fuming. According to the ABC moderator, California should take drastic actions in the future, if those conditions come to pass.

Whoopi’s assertion came during Tuesday’s Hot Topics, as she and her cohosts discussed whether awards season should be canceled altogether, in an effort to focus on relief efforts. But before she could even weigh in on that, Whoopi first called out Republicans for even floating the idea of having strings attached to funding.

Why not, Whoopi? When Democrats are in power, they put conditions on funding to states ALL. THE. TIME. ... but, you never so much as utter a peep when that shoe is on the other foot, now do ya?! Hypocrite. 

“This is the thing, a burned house doesn’t care for you voted for,” she said. “When you’ve lost everything that’s not what’s on your mind, OK?”

Actually, Whoopi ... those conditions would be nothing but helpful to the citizens of California ... because they would stipulate that the funds actually be used to assist victims of the wild fires and go towards common sense efforts to help prevent such another disaster in the future - NOT towards woketard policies that piss all that funding down the toilet and further endanger California citizens. 

The host also took issue with the idea that the funding would be coming directly from Republican politicians, reminding viewers that “this is money we have paid collectively to make sure that when things like this happen, we have what we need.”

“For you to act like you’re giving this money out of your pocket is beyond shameful. It’s beyond shameful,” she said.

Ah, you silly cow ... no one is suggesting such funding would only come out of "Republican pockets" ... that's just a total fabrication coming solely from your fevered cranium. However, we did just have an election. You know ... "democracy" and all that jazz?! And The People put Republicans in charge ... and since responsible, thoughtful adults are now in charge, again ... there will be some sensible conditions placed on the funding so that California Democrats don't betray their constituents and put it in their own slimy pockets. 

So, Whoopi offered a suggestion for California, should these politicians actually succeed in withholding relief aid from Los Angeles.

“I hope — and this is terrible, I know — but I hope the state of California says ‘You want to withhold money from us? We’re not going to give you any more federal money,’” she said. “And you know what will happen to small states who California covers, because there’s so much money coming out of there?”

Good grief, Whoopi ... "California isn't going to give the federal government any more federal money"??? You moron ... the State of California doesn't give money to the federal government ... the individuals and businesses of California pay taxes into the federal coffers. So, you're saying that California individuals and businesses should simply refuse to pay their federal tax liabilities, eh? Okay, Whoopi ... you first ... let's see how that works out for you. 

Indeed, according to the Washington Post, California is one of the few states that pays more to the federal government than it receives in benefits.

BUT, the state government of California doesn't remit these funds to the federal government - its resident individual and business taxpayers do that. THIS is NOT rocket science, y'all. 

“You don’t want to play this game. This is not a good game for the country,” Whoopi continued. “What is wrong with y’all?”

Nah, Whoopi ... we're not playing games. The rest of America wants the Democrat cabal that is running California into the ground to quit playing woketard games that are costing lives and BILLIONS of dollars. So, go ahead with your empty threat, you stupid c*nt ... 

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... refuse to pay your correct share of taxes that all Americans are subject to and find yourself in the slammer. 

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The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence

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