Awww ... and clo so loved this moronic, hypocritical sentiment, too!
Ever since the Washington Post made their slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness" we've seen that "democracy" has done just fine (with the exception of the Democrat definition of the word), but the same can't be said for the WaPo:
New York Post (@nypost) ~ Washington Post traffic craters, loses $100M amid identity crisis as talent, readers flee: reports
"Talent" ... at The WaPo??? You've got to be kidding! That's a huge wordsmithing stretch if I've ever heard one.
Somebody realized the slogan has become "The Washington Post Dies in Darkness" because it's being changed in the hopes that will bring readership back up:
Ben Mullin (@BenMullin) ~ Scoop: The Washington Post today is unveiling a new mission statement that has been in the works for months.
What? The WaPo's mission statement has been "Democrat Butt Boys Я Us" for many, many decades, now, and they want to "change" it - why? Oh ... Bezos is smart enough to realize that no one wants to read the Marxist crap from America's version of Pravda, anymore, eh? The WaPo needs to actually earn its keep, so it has to transform itself into a real NEWSpaper, instead of a leftist propaganda rag.
Any bets on what the new slogan is? Mollie Hemingway saw it and had a good laugh:
Mollie (@MZHemingway) ~ Literally laughed when I saw this!
Out: Democracy Dies in Darkness.
In: ...
Ben Mullin (@BenMullin) ~ The new mission statement is ... "Riveting Storytelling for All of America."
Not sure that's really much of a change ... 'cuz The WaPo has been storytelling leftist fantasies for at least the last 60 years.
Well, good luck with this, WaPo:
The statement is meant to be an internal rallying point for employees, according to two people with knowledge of the decision. Executives are not planning to replace its more strident public slogan. Suzi Watford, The Post’s chief strategy officer, has been previewing it to some employees this week.
The new mission statement comes amid turmoil in the newsroom. Since June, The Post has been reeling from a series of crises that has resulted in widespread dissatisfaction with Will Lewis, the company’s chief executive. On Wednesday, more than 400 employees sent a letter to Jeff Bezos, the paper’s billionaire owner, requesting a meeting to discuss leadership decisions that they said “led readers to question the integrity of this institution” and that “prompted some of our most distinguished colleagues to leave.”
"Distinguished colleagues"? ROTFLMAO! No, The WaPo was staffed by lying lickspittles who constantly kowtowed to leftist ideology. THAT is why The WaPo doesn't have any readers, anymore. Everyone knows it's a farce.
The Post's decline is due to a lot more than just a "mission statement."
Snarknado (@ZannSuz) ~ Unless the mission involves doing away with partisan narrative driving, WaPo will continue to be the master of its own demise.
Make sure to update your "death of the dinosaur media" programs:
Jack Brewster ( @jbruce218 ) ~
'Literally Laughed'! WaPo Unveils New 'Mission Statement' ('Democracy Dies in Darkness' Has Died)
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence