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Re: Indian Caste System 

By: micro in GRITZ | Recommend this post (1)
Fri, 17 Jan 25 5:53 PM | 20 view(s)
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Msg. 02676 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 02666 by CTJ)

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I am one of those very stupid American Engineers and unfortunately, I have only been the Vice President at one company, President of another and Owner and President of my own. Sold my own and now to keep busy I consult and trouble shoot.

I have no shortage of clients. While I do not claim to be on Elon's level of expertise I certainly am not dumb either. And I consider myself to just be an average ME with an MBA.

I'll tell ya dirty little secret.

There is an engineering college competition annually here in Ohio. Ohio State is one of the participants and tiny little Cedarville University with about 5,000 students max participates in this as well.

Little old Cedarville has beaten Ohio State lots of times in head to head competitions. They have also beaten Purdue.

That said, they have lost or come in second and third.

SO, Elon is wrong about this. I would not say MIT is a bad school. He is paining with a pretty broad brush imo.

Most people do not possess the IQ that Elon has been blessed with.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Indian Caste System
Fri, 17 Jan 25 7:47 AM
Msg. 02666 of 05162

Many of the H1-b workers are educated in American schools. They come here on education visas and then segway into work visas. So, If American schools are so poor, why do foreigners come here for education? And why are better qualified to work here then Americans?

These visa workers aren’t all top notch programmers. Many are just average /below average engineers. In fact many of them don’t even work in tech. Many of them aren’t even engineers. 7/11 hires them, motels hire them. Many are the same kind of people who man the call centers in India. They certainly aren’t the “ Best and the Brightest” that they claim

It’s clear that the visa program is abused. It’s clear that it’s used for securing cheap labor. And the only way they can justify it is by trashing American workers. Claiming they can’t find qualified American people to fill the openings.This has been going on for 30 years. This is well documented.

The claim that American engineers are subpar is bull shit.

Elon calls them Subtards.

Fuck Elon, fuck the tech billionaires, and fuck the rest of those assholes trashing American engineers.

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