Replies to Msg. #1257206
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
02698 Re: last night's trip home
   Thanks Professor. Good to know. I am not an auto mechanic and wha...
micro   GRITZ   18 Jan 2025
3:35 PM
02688 Re: last night's trip home
   [color=blue][b]Not to worry ... I'm sure the dealership has its best p...
Beldin   GRITZ   17 Jan 2025
11:50 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: last night's trip home

By: monkeytrots in GRITZ
Fri, 17 Jan 25 11:26 PM
Msg. 02687 of 05162
(This msg. is a reply to 02684 by micro)
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Micro, can't imagine that the engine isn't completely shot. Even a hundred feet with 3.5 quarts low is more than enough to destroy the mains and rods.

A PCV valve should NOT fail after 25k miles on a brand new engine - but when they DO fail, your entire crankcase can get drained in just a few miles. You must have been blowing a heavy cloud of black smoke (burning that oil) for quite a while. Yes, the convertor could very well (probable) have also been 'carboned' up, and it won't be cleanable.
PCV valve should have been good for a min of 50k miles - sounds like something else went bad that caused it to go out so catastrophically. Either way, it's a manufacturing fault, and fully the responsibility of the dealer to rectify under that 100k warranty.

Just my two cents worth.


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